Vission & Mission

Dr. Ir. Heri Wibowo, S.T., M.T.

Coordinator of Study Program of Applied Mechanical Engineering


"To become an Applied Bachelor study program that is superior, creative, and innovative in the field of applied mechanical engineering based on piety, independence, and intelligence by 2025”..



By referring to the vision of Yogyakarta State University and the Faculty of Engineering, as well as reviewing the latest changes, both locally, nationally, regionally, and globally, the Mission of the Diploma-IV Mechanical Engineering Study Program is as follows:

  1. Organizing vocational education and learning in the field of mechanical engineering expertise at the Applied Bachelor level that is superior, creative, innovative based on piety, independence and intelligence.
  2. Conducting research that supports improving the quality of learning in theory and practice, as well as providing direct benefits to the community, both locally, nationally, and globally.
  3. Organizing community service creatively and innovatively to realize the welfare of local and national communities.
  4. Implement collaboration with relevant government, educational, business and industrial institutions to strengthen learning and employment networks.
  5. Organizing good, clean, and accountable study programs and services to support higher education autonomy.


Based on the Mission of the Diploma - IV Study Program above, the objectives of the study program are formulated as follows:​​​​

  • To produce mechanical engineering graduates at the Applied Bachelor level who are superior, creative, innovative, who have pious, independent and intellectual behavior.
  • Produce research for the development of science and technology in the field of mechanical engineering.
  • The realization of community service activities in the field of mechanical engineering that are creative, innovative and solution for the needs of the community.
  • The establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation with government institutions, educational institutions, industry and the world of work (IDUKA) both domestically and abroad for the development of Tridharma PT.
  • The implementation of good, clean, and accountable study program services and governance to support higher education autonomy.


To realize the goal of the Diploma-IV Mechanical Engineering Study Program which is superior, creative and innovative based on piety, independence, and intelligence, the objectives of the study program are formulated as follows.

  • Increasing the quality of learning and student affairs.
  • Improved institutional quality.
  • Increased relevance and productivity of research and development.
  • Increased relevance and productivity of community service.
  • Strengthened innovative capacity.
  • Increased relevance, quality and quantity of human resources.

The Mechanical Engineering Diploma-IV study program is organized to produce professional personnel, especially to meet industrial needs, for example as supervisors or technicians, and also does not rule out being an entrepreneur in the field of mechanical engineering. Students who graduate from the Diploma-IV Mechanical Engineering study program hold a degree as an Applied Bachelor.

The learning of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program is designed in accordance with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) level 6. The learning experiences provided include theoretical lectures in the classroom, practical activities in the laboratory, workshop practices, industrial practices, and technological work.