
Applied Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering  (Diploma IV Mechanical Engineering) was originally structurally under the coordination of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education. The establishment of the Mechanical Engineering Education Department began with the opening of BI/BII courses by the Department of PD and K in 1956 with the aim of increasing teaching staff in technical schools throughout Indonesia. In 1961, based on the Decree of the Minister of PD&K No. 7/1961 dated February 7, 1961, the BI/BII courses were changed to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, the Engineering Section with two departments, namely the Department of Machinery and the Department of Building. Then in 1963 in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 55 of 1963, the Department of Engineering FKIP was officially changed to the Faculty of Teacher Training (FKT) as part of the Yogyakarta Teacher Training and Education Institute (IKIP Yogyakarta). In line with the need for Technical High School (THS) teachers and teaching staff for the Technical Education Training Center (TETC) in the field of mechanical engineering which had an impact on interest and students in 1981. The Department of Mechanical Engineering Education as part of the Faculty of Engineering Teachers (FET) moved its location to the north of the center of IKIP Yogyakarta.

The use of the new building was inaugurated directly by President Soeharto. The location change was made because of the assistance from the World Bank Project for the building which includes lecture halls, laboratories, and equipment along with practicum equipment. With the help of the World Bank project, curriculum changes were also made to the STM curriculum with an emphasis on workshops and laboratory practices. Changes in the name of IKIP Yogyakarta to Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) Based on Presidential Decree Number 39 of 1999, provided a new atmosphere for the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education. As an effort to deal with these changes, starting in 1997 a new study program was opened, namely the Diploma 3 Mechanical Engineering Study Program. In 2019 an assignment letter was issued to change the Diploma III Mechanical Engineering study program to DIV Mechanical Engineering number 13/185/C.C4/KB.01.00/2019 Kemenristekdikti through the Directorate General of Science and Technology and Higher Education Institutions. On October 18, 2019, the permit for the establishment of the Mechanical Engineering D-IV Study Program was issued based on the Decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 1061/KPT/I/2019, so that the Study Program Applied Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering was allowed to accept students. Currently, the status of the Applied Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering is in the transition process for part of the Yogyakarta State University Vocational School along with other Applied Bachelor UNY located on the Wates Campus.